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  • 2019/2020


Franz Schreker

  • Dates Mar 14 - Mar 28, 2020
  • Rates From 10€ to 85€
  • Location Opéra de Lyon
  • Running Time 2h 30mn whose 1 intermission(s) during 35 min

In a few words

In 1924, with Irrelohe, Franz Schreker, that composer maudit banned by the Nazis, delivered a venomous, sensual love tragedy, to be rediscovered absolutely in David Bösch’s production.

  • vlcsnap_2020_02_11_14h46m36s572.png

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Festival Discovery Day
Feb 15, 2020
Festival Discovery Day
In preamble of the opera festival "The night will be black and red"
Mar 12, 2020
Radio D.I.V.A.
La nuit sera noire et rouge
  • Underground Talk
Mar 17, 2020
L'École du spectateur Irrelohe
À l'Amphi et en ligne

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